Non-NHS Services
Some services are not covered by the NHS and a charge is payable eg:
- Pre-employment and HGV medicals
- PPP verification
- Sick notes for the first week of illness
- Prescription for medication to be taken abroad
- BUPA verification
- Other private certificates
- Vaccination certificates
A list of the fees is available at reception.
National Care Records Service
NHS Connecting for Health is currently developing the National Care Records Service, which will create a Summary Care Record (SCR) for each individual patient, to be held centrally. At this stage the record is limited to current medication, known allergies and adverse reactions. Eventually the aim is to enable healthcare staff jointly involved in your care, such as your GP and your hospital consultant, to easily access and share information through this national record.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to information being shared.
Access To Your Medical Records
If you have online access this will include a link to be able to view a summary of your medical records including a list of any allergies, your current medications and your recent prescription requests) as well as the ability to book appointments online and make any prescription requests . You have the right to ask for online access to your full medical records and will be required to complete a disclaimer form and bring in photo ID.
You can also ask for a hard copy of your medical records and photo ID will be required when collecting these. We are required to respond to you within 28 days.
If you think anything is inaccurate or incorrect, please inform the organisation holding your information.