Child Health
Immunisations are by appointment with the practice nurse. Teenage immunisations are usually performed at school, by the school nurse.
Cytology Clinic
The practice currently recalls women at 3 yearly intervals between 25 and 49 years of age and 5-yearly between 50 to 65 years of age. A reminder will normally be sent to you but if you believe your cytology test is due please speak to the receptionist.
Contraception is initially prescribed by a GP, repeat prescriptions and advice will be given by a practice nurse by appointment.
Warfarin Clinic
This service is offered by appointments only with our practice nurse.
Respiratory Clinic
We offer annual reviews for patients with Asthma/COPD. This is by appointment with the practice nurse and you will be invited to attend. We encourage all our Asthma/COPD patients to visit us annually.
Diabetes Clinic
This clinic is for those patients who are on treatment with diet or tablets for their diabetes. We offer annual reviews for diabetic patients. This is by appointment with the practice nurse and you will be invited to attend. We encourage all our diabetic patients to visit us annually. We also have a dietician who attends the practice to give advice to our patients with diabetes.
Hypertension Clinic
This clinic is held by our practice nurses and is to advise and monitor patients with high blood pressure and heart disease and you will be invited annually to attend.
Smoking Cessation Clinic
Our nursing team are qualified to offer encouragement, support and advice regarding medication to help you stop smoking.
Health Promotion
The nursing team run a well person clinic. Make an appointment and they will be happy to offer you advice. We have folders with a wide range of helpful information leaflets available in the waiting room. Please ask the receptionist if you require any of these.
Travel Clinics
We recommend you make an appointment with the practice nurse about eight weeks prior to travel to plan your immunisations. Please also check with your travel agent what would be required if you make a late booking as some vaccines need to be given at least 10 days prior to commencement of your holiday.
Please note that the NHS does not provide all vaccines and some attract fees and can take 4 to 6 weeks to complete the course. Please ask at reception for the up-to-date fees.
Minor Surgery
We undertake some forms of minor surgery and the procedures are by appointment. Please ask the doctor for further details.
Influenza And Pneumonia Vaccinations
We offer annual Influenza vaccination to all people age 65 and over or if they fall into one or more of the following 'at risk' groups:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Chronic Renal Impairment
- Splenectomy
- Immuno compromised individuals (your doctor will advise)
- Carers - You will be invited to attend each year
Pneumonia vaccinations are given as a 'one off' injection for the above groups.