Enhanced Access to Primary Care Services for the patients of Bradford City and District
Summary of the services from February 2023
All appointments are pre-bookable by the patient’s GP practice
GP Appointments
These appointments are an extension of routine GP appointments and are not for emergency acutely unwell patients that would be better managed in their own practice. The service is not designed to undertake medication reviews, the GPs working in the service cannot reauthorise repeat medication. Patients of any age can be booked into this service. There are no age restrictions on these appointments.
Cervical Screening Tests
Practices are requested to encourage uptake by their female patients of this wider offer and availability. Results from this service will go directly back to the patient’s own GP practice Appointments are pre-bookable 14 days in advance. We do now offer swabs in this clinic if deemed necessary by the clinician when carrying out a screening test/requested by the practice.
Blood Tests
A phlebotomy service is available weekday evenings and Saturday mornings for patients aged 16 plus.
Asthma Review Clinics
This service is for adults & children over 4 years old. The review is performed by a registered Asthma nurse. The nurse will task the patient’s GP practice to inform of completion of review, it will then be for the GP practice to move the recall on as appropriate.
Children’s Acute Treatment (CAT)
This service is held at Ashwell MC for F2F GP appointments for children who are on the day acutely unwell and are aged 3 months to 15 years.
Mental Health Services
These appointments can be booked by the GP or a receptionist. If a receptionist books this appointment they are to inform the patients GP to ensure they agree with the booking as a result of the triage taken place at the point of booking.
Mental Health Triage and Support Appointments
These appointments are remote and are available for patients aged 11 years + and are delivered by MIND in Bradford. Patients can have up to 3 appointments in this service so the MIND worker can assess the patient’s needs, offer early mental health support and refer to the appropriate services.
Young People’s Counselling Appointments
These appointments are remote and available for patients aged 16-25 and are delivered by Step2 in Bradford. Patients can have up to 12 consecutive appointments in this service so the counsellor can work with the patient in-depth.
Grief and Loss Counselling Appointments
These appointments are remote and available for patients aged 16+ and are delivered by Aire Wharfe & Craven Counselling. Patients can have up to 12 consecutive appointments in this service so the counsellor can work with the patient in-depth.
All GP practice staff are asked to use this service in accordance with their own practice policies and procedures and where appropriate for their patients. Further information is available in the Enhanced Access manuals.
Location of the hubs
Bingley MP
Canalside Health Care Centre
2 Kingsway
BD16 4RP
Monday 6.30pm to 9.30pm
Moorside Surgery
370 Dudley Hill Road
Saturday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Ashwell MC
Ashwell Road
Monday to Friday 6.30pm to 9.30pm